Last night we sought urgent refuge in the pub marquee as another torrential downpour suddenly hit our beer garden. Hopefully it was for the last time. Our weather does not, generally, suit outdoor drinking. As of today we are allowed to enjoy the inside of the pub once again, albeit still with table service and other Covid rules in place. Personally I look forward to the day when we can call at the pub casually and have a pint at the bar.
However, as the British Beer & Pub Association reports below, there is still some considerable way to go before that day, hopefully on June 21. No matter, the countdown is on and this will do for now. Let us all enjoy it and help get our pubs back on their feet.
BBPA says all restrictions must be removed on June 21st for all pubs to reopen and give chance of survival
The British Beer & Pub Association, the leading trade association representing brewers and pubs, has today revealed that on Monday 17th May an estimated 45,000 pubs will reopen, serving approximately 3 million pints.
The Government is taking the next step in its roadmap to recovery on Monday, which will enable hospitality venues including pubs to reopen for service indoors once more.
However, pubs and other parts of the hospitality sector will still face heavy restrictions compared to normal. They will be required to ensure 1 metre plus social distancing is in place, operate by table service only and ensure that face masks are worn other than when sat at a table inside or if outdoors.
The BBPA says that for these reasons, it estimates beer sales for Monday will be 65% – some 1.6 million pints – lower than a normal Monday pre-pandemic. This is below the break-even point for the majority of pubs, who cannot trade profitably whilst the current restrictions remain in place.
As well as reduced footfall in city and town centres, those pubs who are reliant or standing and vertical drinking due to their small footprints will be particularly adversely affected by table service only due to their limited space. For this very reason, the BBPA has estimated that some 2,000 pubs, 5% of all the pubs in the UK, will still remain closed despite indoor reopening.
It is therefore urging the Government to commit to 21st June for the lifting of ALL restrictions, including removal of social distancing and allowing vertical drinking and bar service to resume.
It says the countdown to freedom is now on to ensure normal service is resumed in Britain’s pubs, enabling people to visit the pub for that spontaneous pint, the family Sunday roast or drinks with colleagues and friends once more.
Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, said:
“After some questionable weather during the last week or so, we know Brits are looking forward to being back inside the pub once more.
“Our pubs have been preparing for this Monday over the last couple of months. We expect 45,000 pubs to open across the UK and 3 million pints to be served on Monday alone. However, that is 1.6 million pints less than what they would have sold on a typical Monday before the pandemic. This is because 2,000 pubs will still remain closed and pubs that do open are limited in their sales by table service and no standing drinking.
“This is by no means the end of the crisis for our sector. We need pubs fully reopened without any restrictions at all on June 21st if they are to survive and trade viably.
“The countdown to freedom, and recovery, is on.”